Mentat: That class of Imperial citizens trained for supreme accomplishments of logic. "Human computers."

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Palin Pain

I have a problem. I have to admit that I'm reading everything I find on this stupid election. I'm falling for all the celebrity hype and for every spec of analysis on Barack Obama and John McCain and their running mates. I know that it really doesn't matter and that ultimately a Democrat President will only differ from a Republican President in the speed with which they destroy the planet. Still the hype and hope have dug their talons into my skull.

Last year I predicted that John McCain would be the next president of the United States. I'm, sadly, now more sure of it than ever. And the venomous Sarah Palin will be the Vice President (can you believe what she said about community organizers?).

It's becoming clear to me that McCain is ripe for the picking leaving Palin president. And she's the perfect president, even better than Bush: close to big oil, ready to blow up mountains for coal and happy to let the polar bears drown. She'll do great murdering all life on earth. And her message is: Guns, Babies and Jesus.

I'm sure Jesus would approve.

From an article I just read: "I love the woman," the pilot on our flight shouts over the noise of the engine, "especially what she wants to do with oil, we just have to drill more, there is no alternative. What's the point of leaving it all in the ground?"

What's the point of leaving it all in the ground? This is the attitude of our live-now, fuck-tomorrow civilization. I've said this before but why do people who cling to this motto bother to have children. You might as well throw your newborn baby in a stagnant septic tank and watch it struggle as it sinks into darkness. Doing so might be a blessing compared with the potential horrors of climate change.

That's the reason why we have to leave it in the ground, fucker. So that morons like you can breed and your spawn can actually have a chance because they certainly won't have oil and a big screen television.

It's over. You're just too stupid to notice.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you really have faith in the future...?

1:47 PM

Blogger Mentat Oom said...

I definitely have lost my faith in human civilization. This project is going to crash and burn, and soon.

The key for me right now is to take control over as much as I can in my life. I need to get down to the basics 1) food and water 2) shelter 3) community. If I can secure those then I'm a true human, not a pampered civilized chump. Apart from those I need nothing, and neither do you believe it or not.

With hard work, dedication, compassion and a strong community, I have faith that I'll be able to meet what's coming and live in balance with my one and only home, earth.

I'm also planning to teach others what I learn if they are willing to learn with me.

We are lost. Let's find our way back together.

6:31 PM


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