Mentat: That class of Imperial citizens trained for supreme accomplishments of logic. "Human computers."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Even the Deepest Pockets Have Holes

Unbelievable! So much for the end of big government. This pre-crash stock market madness just makes me realize that money is completely worthless and a creation of the state. How else can the US government just throw $85 billion at AIG and take over Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac? Who's next? These are serious amounts. And they are just giving them to the rich. You might as well call it a tax cut.

Of course the internet and television are full of advice for the average investor (what you're not investing the markets; what about your retirement?). What are we to do with our portfolios? Jump into GICs, pull out while the going's good, ride it out?

No one talks about just fucking right off. Get some land, learn to provide the basics for yourself, get out of the systenm, don't sell your labour. Really cushion yourself against the crashes that are coming. Why kill yourself with a two hour commute and do a job for things you don't need? If you don't fall for the advertising and you can ignore the weight of peer pressure, then you're halfway there.

There's some Mentat advice for your portfolio: burn it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed, it is all madness. Protecting oneself and preparing for what is to come is integral. But don't just drop out! We have to fight to dismantle the system, not just escape it.

10:17 AM


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