Harper Ascendant
Shudder. I laughed at one of Stephen Harper's jokes today. Read one of my blog entries on Canadian politics and you'll realize that I don't agree, with the exception of one, with any of the Prime Minister's policies. So this involuntary laugh made me look over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching. Accused of seducing David Emerson away from the Liberal Party to the Conservatives, Harper responded: "Mr. Speaker, I don't think I've ever been accused of seducing anyone". You had to be there. Trust me.
The robot is evolving and the sky's the limit. I expect this new Harper will enter the next election with something close to a personality. Canadian voters be warned.
It made me think of a debate I watched with friends in the last US election. Bush and Kerry were neck and neck. Then it happened. Asked about their better halves, Kerry mumbled something about his billionaire wife and was seen for what he was: patrician and superior. Bush's response on the other hand, seemed so genuine and hid his elite background so well that I knew then he had won the election. Both Mike and I did. And the rest is history.
Don't underestimate these moments. Appearance and personality count for voters. Harper's learning this and for the sake of Canada, I hope it was just a single moment of bravado. Long live our robotic leader. May he never make me laugh again.
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