Mentat: That class of Imperial citizens trained for supreme accomplishments of logic. "Human computers."

Friday, July 14, 2006


Today the
Guardian reported on the response in the Israeli media to the current situation in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon. The story stated: "Other commentators [from the Israeli press] compared Israel's situation to Britain's during the time of the blitz and said "everything is permissible" in the campaign against Lebanon."

Again, this bizarre statement echoes those made by the Israeli ambassador to the United States yesterday. Are these commentators out of their minds? Israel is not weak. Israel is blockading an entire country as we speak. Israel could destroy every major Arab city in the blink of an eye with its nuclear arsenal. Self-delusion is a powerful thing to behold.

Yet I suppose it makes sense. You want to believe that you're really in harm's way. That your people's very existence hangs in the balance. That you should do anything to ensure your survival. This belief justifies your excessive violent response when you are really good at heart and would never choose to do such a thing rationally. I know most Israelis are good people and that's why they have to rely on these delusions. The Americans came up with similar statements following September 11, 2001. As if 20 hijackers or two rockets fired on Haifa could signal the annihilation of an entire nation.

A little thought is all that is required to calm this situation and get these soldiers home.


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