Mentat: That class of Imperial citizens trained for supreme accomplishments of logic. "Human computers."

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Who's Really Sad?

It's very interesting that a rally of several thousand demonstrators is dismissed as "sad" by our benevolent Prime Minister, while a similar rally is hailed as massive. Harper's exact words in dismissing the opposition to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) were "I've heard it's nothing. A couple hundred? It's sad."

Then yesterday the CBC hailed a massive rally in support of Canadian troops fighting for "our interests" in Afghanistan. How massive you might wonder? A few hundred people.

So one is sad while one is massive. Do you know when to cheer and when to boo yet? Don't worry someone will tell you.

The truth is that the support our troops rally is actually sad. In a city of 3 million they could only gather a few hundred people to support this war. That's pretty pathetic and demonstrates how much faith Canadians actually have in this war as more and more troops come home in body bags.

Compare the turnout in Toronto with fences, security cordons, road checkpoints and the truly massive police presence in Montebello. Far from sad, the concerned citizens that traveled to Quebec from all across the country despite these restrictions are anything but sad; they are committed and believe in their cause. In spite of the corporate-state media and the corporate-state Prime Minister, well done.


And in regards to the admission that the Surete de Quebec planted agent provocateurs in the crowd in Montebello, that's really sad. Just don't expect our dear leader to utter such words. It's selective you see. Figured out who to cheer for yet?


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