Lost Myself
Derrick Jensen reminds us that we are all insane. He says we hate life, hate ourselves, hate women, hate other species. Otherwise how could we be in the process of destroying the world and annihilating other species, just as important as ourselves?
I just had another thought. What if we don't hate all those beings and systems (a lot anyway) but we just want to destroy these human made structures that make life meaningless. My life often feels meaningless. I have to get up in the morning from my warm, soft bed. Food is provided for my breakfast. I get on a bus that carries me to a place where I sit in front of a computer all day in relatively warmth and comfort and have the occasional meaningless conversation. Then I come home via the same bus. More food appears (for most it's all ready to heat in a few minutes) and I watch some television, see a movie, have a few drinks (alone is often better sadly). Then it's off to bed and repeat.
Am I waiting to die? Am I waiting for anything? Am I even alive?
At what point does a comfortable life make an animal (and humans are most certainly animals), for tens of thousands of years used to foraging, hunting, starving, freezing, being scared of predators, go mad from all the comfort and security? It's surely in our cells. Watchfulness, catching scents on the wind, running for our lives, rejoicing in another day. You can't destroy these truths with all the ipods, pepsi, cars in the world.
But have we become like cattle. Slaves inside fences protected from everything even bacteria. No purpose, no fear. The eyes lose their sharpness, their focus. When humans are gone, so go these slaves.
So we act, unconsciously, to destroy this human-constructed prison. Some pick up guns, some spray paint cans, others march, others merely maintain the trajectory of doom, taking more than they should each and every day. The end will be the same: a return to the realities of life for our children and our grandchildren and beyond. Struggle, suffering, joy in the smallest things, wonder at the stars. Despite us the perfect, clean, pristine pre-slave world will return in time, a lot of time.
However the longer we civilized persist, the farther the fall will be. So pick up a gun, spray paint, march or speed up your overconsumption. We all have the same liberating goal. Let's get there.
(These thoughts came to me shortly after waking up this morning. Maybe now it's only in dreams that our minds reach their full capacity).