Mentat: That class of Imperial citizens trained for supreme accomplishments of logic. "Human computers."

Monday, April 14, 2008

Small Things Matter

There is one type of comedy that I can't stand: laughs at someone's expense. I hate being the victim of this comedy, much as you yourself likely hate it. It often comes when one makes a mistake and someone jumps on it.

Look at the fool, he's so stupid. He's said the wrong thing. He's done the wrong thing. There is no empathy, no sympathy. Do we not all make mistakes on occasion? Must we be belittled on these occasions?

The worst though is when the whole room gets behind it. All those smiling faces giggling at your expense. All of them looking at you. Not letting up, the jabs increase exponentially. It goes on and on. The goal is to break you, teach you your place. This is a fucking hierarchy you bitch, there is no equality, no solidarity. Just you you weakling.

How do you respond in this case? To lash out is meaningless and just calls for more ridicule. You can try and walk out but then you are weak. We are not all witty either. And to explain that one is hurt definitely means more laughs; poor baby, can't take a joke. The only hope is to defer the ridicule to someone else. That sucker is more pathetic that me. Let's pick on him and forget what I did or said. Phew.

I've been through a lot of these as has anyone who attended a formal school. I hated it then as much as I hate it now. My choice has always been to respect everyone and try and challenge or at least divert these attacks. Comedy is not funny when it's hurtful. Please bear this in mind dear reader.

I'm sure you remember a time when this type of attack has happened to you or you witnessed it happening to someone else, perhaps even someone you care about. Never forget it--especially if you reject violence and hierarchy and group-think. Stand up and be counted and do the just thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely right Thom. This kind of comedy is pervasive though, and I wonder if we aren't somewhat weird for not appreciating mean humour. I never liked Seinfeld for instance, but apparantly I'm the only one.

7:12 PM


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